The information set out in the Constitution shall apply
The death of another human being
The intentional and premeditated murder of another human being shall result in the imprisonment for at least 10 years and no more than 30 years*
The intentional but non-premeditated murder of another human being shall result in the imprisonment for at least 8 years and no more than 30 years*
The unintentional murder (but still caused due to the committers intentional actions which could've been avoidable) of another human being shall result in the imprisonment for at least 5 years and no more than 15.*
The death caused due to a lack of care given for the conditions or situation (eg. working conditions, dangerous equiptment) of the deceased human being shall result in the imprisonment for at least 7 years and no more than 35 years*
The death of a human being with no fault to the committer shall not result in a punishment
The death of a human being caused by a certified doctor but at no fault of their own or during a medical procedure shall not result in a punishment
Injury to another human being
Intentional injury with the intent to kill another human being shall result in the imprisonment for at least 7 years but no more than 15 years*
Intentional significant injury without the intent to kill another human being shall result in the imprisonment for at least 5 years but no more than 10 years*
Intentional injury without sigificant injury without the intent to kill another human being shall result in the imprisonment for at least 1 year but no more than 10 years*
Injury caused by a lack of care given for the conditions or situation of the injured human being shall result in the imprisonment for at least 5 years and no more than 25 years*
It is illegal to commit acts of violence or hostility directed at people because of who they are based on protected characteristics which include:
Gender transition or identity
Sex or gender
Verbal attacks shall result in the imprisonment for at least 3 years and up to 30 years*
Physical attacks shall result in the imprisonment for at least 5 years and up to 50 years*
A vehicle must pass a mandatory inspection every year once it is at least three years old
If the vehicle is not inspected by an official inspection service, it is deemed unroadworthy. You may only drive this vehicle on public roads in order to get it inspected
If said vehicle does not pass the inspection it is deemed unroadworthy
A vehicle must be insured to be considered roadworthy. Failure to insure a vehicle but use on public roads will result in the loss of the driver's license, the seizing of the vehicle as well as a 20%** fine
Failure to obey road signs and instructions on public roads will result in a fine of 5%** and 3 points on the driver's license.
If an unroadworthy vehicle is driven on a public road illegally, the driver shall be notified of their law breaking and has to return to their property and may only drive it on public roads to get it inspected
Driving a vehicle dangerously unless deemed necessary (eg. in order to recover from a dangerous situation) shall result in 3 points being added to the driver's license and a 20%** fine
Driving a vehicle without a license shall result in a fine of 25%** and an imprisonment of at least 1 year but no more than 7, unless it was in order to save life, in which it can be dismissed
It is illegal to circumcise a person under the age of 16 without their express consent unless deemed medically necessary by a certified doctor
Attempting to pass yourself as a certified doctor shall result in a fine of 25%**
Carrying out a medical procedure on a patient without their consent (or that of their parent if under 12) unless deemed medically necessary in order to save life when the patient is unconcious or unable to give consent shall result in the loss of a doctor certificate and at least 5 years imprisonment but no more than 10*
The intentional harming of a patient shall result in the loss of a doctor certificate and at least 4 years imprisonment but shall not result in more than 12 years imprisonment*
It is illegal to charge for medical care if the patient does not or cannot consent to the treatment and punishment for this process can result in a loss of doctor certificate and the shutting of the workplace as well as a fine of up to €400,000 and the refunding of the costs
* = These punishments will stack, resulting in a combined prison sentence
** = % proportional to your annual income in the last tax year, unless deemed inappropriate by a judge, in which case that % may be changed to a different year