The Constitution

The Constitution of the Constitutional Monarchy of Potalia and Its Overseas Collectives



We, the people of this nation, in orer to promote and preserve the independancy of the Potalia people, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the government of this nation.

This nation consists of the following 19 provinces and 4 regions:

Article 1: Name

This article defines the names of various aspects of the nation

Section 1: State Name

The name of this nation shall be the Constitutional Monarchy of Potalia and Its Overseas Collectives, hereafter referred to as Potalia.

Section 2: Sector Names

The region combining Sourth Copeland Island, North Copeland Island and Mew Island will be known as the Potalian Copeland Island Territoies.

The region combinging province combining South Copeland Island and North Copeland Island will be known as the Copeland Islands.

The region combining Buchanan and Harveston will be known as the Potalian North American Territory.

The Head Members (consisting of the 'Emperor/Empress of Potalia' and the 'Vice Ruler') will be hereafter referred to as the 'Monarchy'.

The Parliament including the Prime Minister will be hereafter referred to by the name "Government". The members of the Parliament will be referred to as 'MP's.

The military section of Potalia (consisting of the 'Head of Military', the 'Generals' and the 'Soldiers') will be referred to as the 'Military'.

The Justice System (including the 'Supreme Court', the 'Regional Courts' and all 'Prisons') will be referred to as the 'Courts'.

Article 2: Purpose

This article defines the purpose of various constructions

Section 1: Purpose of the Nation

The purpose of this nation shall to be protect the people within the borders of Potalia and any person of Potalian nationality from threats or danger from any other nation. Potalia will serve to protect the interests of any Potalian person and any land claimed by the nation of Potalia from foreign ownership.

Section 2: Purpose of the Monarchy

The Monarchy, the Government, the Military and the Courts shall strive to protect the people of Potalia. They shall carry out their duty in the interest of the people of Potalia. This includes protecting the people and their land from foreign interest and control. The Monarchy shall oversee the actions of all officials of Potalia in order to protect the people.

Article 3: Membership

This article defines membership of this nation

Section 1: Requirements

The requirements of nationality are:

Nationality will be approved by the Department of Nationality or the Monarchy, all forms must be sent to the Dept. of Nationality.

Section 2: Privilges

The Privilges of Potalian Nationality include the following: